Travis CI ========= 1. Create new binary cache on and generate a write auth token. 2. Replace ``mycache`` in the following ``.travis.yml``: .. code:: yaml language: nix nix: 2.3.7 sudo: false env: global: - CACHIX_CACHE=mycache install: - echo "trusted-users = $USER" | sudo tee -a /etc/nix/nix.conf - sudo systemctl restart nix-daemon - nix-env -iA nixpkgs.cachix - cachix use $CACHIX_CACHE script: - cachix watch-exec $CACHIX_NAME nix-build - cachix watch-exec $CACHIX_NAME -- nix-shell --run "echo nix-shell successfully entered" 3. Inside your project top-level directory run: .. code:: shell-session nix-shell -p travis --run "travis login --pro --auto" nix-shell -p travis --run "travis encrypt CACHIX_AUTH_TOKEN=XXX --add"