CircleCI ======== 1. Create new binary cache on and generate a write auth token. 2. Follow `circleci documentation to setup environment variable `_ to set ``$CACHIX_AUTH_TOKEN``. 2. Replace ``mycache`` in the following ``.circleci/config.yml``: .. code:: yaml version: 2.1 workflows: version: 2 workflow: jobs: - build jobs: build: docker: - image: nixos/nix:2.3.12 environment: CACHIX_NAME: mycache steps: - checkout - run: name: Set up Cachix command: | nix-env -iA nixpkgs.cachix nixpkgs.bash cachix use $CACHIX_NAME - run: cachix watch-exec $CACHIX_NAME nix-build - run: cachix watch-exec $CACHIX_NAME -- nix-shell --run "echo nix-shell successfully entered"